Sunday, January 5, 2014

All for fun on the world wide web

You may travel wide, you may travel far,
Make lots of money and spend it all,
But there's no fun until you've spun 
Your tale of adventure on the world wide web !

You may bake a cake or roast a steak,
For your sweet heart or your l'il one,
But where’s the  fun, until you've spun,
A tale of your venture on the world wide web ?

Taken pictures with divas and glam dolls in tow ?
Your latest Bullet or your new Jersey cow ?
Where do you stand if the world hasn't glimpsed 
Your magnificent life on the world wide web ? 

Who cares if your smile was true or faked 
While you staggered thro' parties for ol' times sake?
There's plenty of fun, only after you’ve spun, 
Tales o dazzle and wonder on the world wide web !