Thursday, April 16, 2009


If there is a single phrase that can define the pulse of today’s upwardly mobile generation it is ‘move on’!

These words are often flung indiscriminately at folks who are duped by fraudsters or tricked into non-existent love, who receive pink slips or those bereaving a loved one’s loss.

It seems that the passion of the present times is to ‘move on’ …a quality that is believed to denote a higher emotional quotient (EQ)

Everyone is in a tearing hurry to give the past a shove and plunge into the future ;there is no time to mull over a slight or to bemoan a tragedy . This trend of fast - forwarding emotions is a sign of denial and decadence and helps to create a society that is insensitive to need -- where words such as ‘integrity’ is outdated.

But this carefully -crafted art of ‘moving on’ has several devout executioners who adopt it as an excuse to shrug off obligations or turn a blind eye towards a commitment.

The ease with which people ‘move on’ chills me to the marrow.
As for me I prefer to ‘evolve’…. to permit the winds of change to gently work on the past ….. there is no upheaval here but a slow transition, from one to another, necessitated by the forces that heal !


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. An excellent one! I am able to relate to this because I underwent a shocking situation with a person two years back. I was told that I should not sulk and should learn to move on. I could not digest the fact that this person was so much lacking in emotion to make a casual statement like that. this fast world, there is no time to think about the past...I am told often that it is archaic thinking to even consider thinking about the past..
